Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Passing Sepak Bola
Physical education is part of national education which aims as a means to achieve educational goals in general. The implementation of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model is very influential in learning PJOK, especially in football passing learning activities. If the efforts that have been made in achieving the goals of national education can improve quality and competitive human resources. this implementation used two cycles and sawan increase from each cycle, where the increase in student activity from the initial observation of 5.90% to 7.16%, and increased to 7.60%. So that the implementation of the STAD learning model is very influential in learning activities, especially in soccer passing. The low learning activity of soccer passing techniques is caused by several problems, including (1) Visual aspects, (2) Oral aspects, (3) Audio aspects, (4) Metric aspects, (5) Mental aspects, and (6) Emotional aspects.